
Album Title: The students of St Anne's Convent School participated in the Eco Fest MAUSAM on April 22nd 2024, organized by St Stephen's School
Venue: St Stephen's School
Description: The students of St Anne's Convent School participated in the Eco Fest MAUSAM on April 22nd 2024, organized by St Stephen's School. They won various prizes under different categories as follows- IST PRIZE in Reusing by Weaving Mahi VIII A Saarvi VIII C II PRIZE in working Model making Jajkirat Singh IX B Satvik Aggarwal IX B II PPRIZE in PowerPoint presentation Jashanveer Bhambri XB Jasmine Kaur XB IIII PRIZE in story telling AVNI VI E An E waste management workshop was attended by two students Jevi Jain VII A and Arushi Madhu VII B A workshop for teachers on Wastemanagement was attended by Mrs. Shalini Syal and Dr.Basundhara.