School Rules
- All children should come to school clean and tidy in their school uniform.
- should be informed about it immediately by a note from the parents or by the guardian of the student. Punctual and regular attendance is insisted upon. If a student is absent on account of illness or any other valid reason, the principal
- If a student continues to be absent from the school without a leave note for more than ten working days in succession, his/her name will be struck off from the class register. Students are expected to be present in the school in on the first day of the re-opening of the school.
- Verbal requests through domestic helpers or relatives to allow children to go home before the school gets over will not be compiled with.
- Scribbling on the walls, desks and board is strictly forbidden. Any kind of damage done to school property shall have to be made good by the offender or hisparent/guardian.
- It is compulsory for the students of class I – X to complete 90% of their attendance in a year to make them eligible for promotion to the nextclass.
- Students are reminded not to apply mehndi on their hands.
- They should not bring expensive things to school. School will not be held responsible if they losethem.
- Carrying and use of mobile phones is prohibited. If a child is found in possession of the handset, it will be confiscated. Repetition of the act is liable to lead to suspension from the school.
- Students are strictly forbidden to bring any electronic gadgets and fluid pen/bottles to school. CD of any type is not allowed without the explicit permission ofteacher/principal.